The web courses

    Our online web courses are based on the basic paper/digital books. The sentence is to learn the gramar in the books and then get to know how it sounds at the sweol practices.

    The books and the online courses are divided the same way, all over, so the student easily can follow the system. The basic books even has a reminder, at the pages that is covered by an online practice.

    The online web courses has it´s beginning in our computer programs for installation, that we launched back in 2004. Of course the online courses has been developed during the years, and has for instance different self tests with instant results.

    Our web interface is easy to understand, so the students won´t have to be computer engineers to manage the practices.

    And of great importance, is the fact that there are no difficulties to understand how to study.

    Just follow the built in progress. It could not be easier!

    Webb2013/iPad.jpg Webb2013/nexus.jpg   Special interface for mobile units makes Sweol very flexible.
      You can save Sweol as an app on your tablet or cell phone.